Our Mission

Believing in the essential ONEness of creation, Southwood UCC affirms the fundamental unity of all people, local and global, as well as our ONEness with creation itself.  All people are connected, regardless of socio-economic class, race, or nationality.

Southwood UCC extends its mission beyond our local community through our relationship with the United Church of Christ.  With UCC, we participate in mission beyond our neighborhoods.

Our Vision

Give to the those in need

At Southwood, we care for those who are struggling and work to ensure that all of God’s children have opportunities to experience their fullest calling.

Invest in the wider church

At Southwood, we are in a partnership with the wider visioning movement called the United Church of Christ.  We benefit from and provide support for the UCC by investing in its world-changing work.

Fellowship in community

At Southwood, we are in a community of friends and families committed to creating an atmosphere where we are excited to be and enthusiastic about inviting others to share with us.

Teach a progressive theology

At Southwood, we seek to live the questions and cultivate an evolving faith of both heart and mind

At Southwood, we seek to understand the systemic causes of oppression and inequality and work toward God’s dream of peace with justice.

Seek social justice and peace

At Southwood, we seek to understand the systemic causes of oppression and inequality, and work toward God’s dream of peace with justice.


Supporting Our Community

Southwood UCC members and friends donate time, talent, and treasure to a variety of area organizations serving those in need.

Supporting Our Denomination

The United Church of Christ supports a variety of local, national and global causes.

Supporting Our World

Joining with about 8,000 other congregations and organizations across the country, Southwood participates in:

  • Church World Service’s Programs
  • UCC Coffee Project and Fair Trade
  • Environmental Recycling

Beloved, since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another.

1 John 4:11 (NRSV)